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One of Rijeka's historic handicaps

question Why did Rijeka grow slower then Split in the last 50 years?

Posted by bharem

answer Not only because of Rijeka's industry being rather limited, but also because it was tossed between different governing bodies, confusing the issues and stunting it's potential.

There is a nice little story which sums up that part of Rijeka's history in a nutshell.

Karolina Rijecka

question Who was Karolina Rijecka or Karolina of Rijeka?

Posted by ??

answer When english ships bombarded Rijeka in 1813, Caroline Belic, a local merchant's wife, used all her female charms to persuade the admiral not to destroy her town.

After only one cannon ball was fired, which still remains embedded in the facade of St Vitus Church, her cunning was rewarded and Rijeka was spared.

This earned her the enviable title of Karolina Rijecka.

Tarsatica and the ancient Fortress of Trsat, or Gradina

question What is older Tarsatica or Gradina on Trsat ?

Posted by ??

answer In ancient times the illyric tribe of Japods erected Tarsat on top of the hill towering above today's Rijeka.

During the roman era the fortress was built and the settlement around it given the name Tarsatica.

Pecine, a sea front suburb in Rijeka

question Tell me something about history of Pecine

Posted by t.k.


During the time when Rijeka was under the Austro- Hungarian rule and considered a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, lasting until the end of the
First Wold War, the shoreline of Pecine became a desirable residential area.

Click here for more about Pecine


Cunski, a small village on the island of Losinj

question Query about Cunski


Cunski, a small sunlit village sheltered from the bura, is located on the gentle slopes of a hill on the island of Losinj, with a view of the western shores of Kvarner bay. However, the present village is no longer the original old settlement which evolved from a fort dating back to ancient times.

Click here for more about Cunski


Gorski kotar around the time of Petar Zrinski

question I understand Croatia is divided into 20 counties plus the city of Zagreb. Is Gorski Kotar one of those counties? I have a copy of an old document from the year 1641 wherein Count Peter Zrinski transfers the village of Skenderi to my ancestor in exchange for 50 gold ducats. The village is today part of the town of Kuzelj on the Kulpla River. The document from 1641 is supposed to be the oldest document in the Archives of Gorski Kotar. I would like to get more information about this village and my ancestor Michael Skender.

Posted by Edward Skender


Quite right - Croatia was divided into 20 counties in 1992, and the entire area of Gorski Kotar became a part of
Primorsko-Goranska Zupanija, seated in Rijeka.
The location of Hrib Skendari, as it is now called, you can see on the map

Click here for the story


Giovanni Ciotta, Mayor of Rijeka in the late 19th century

question Researching my family name I came across your reference to an Ivan Ciotta. My family is from Palermo italy so i found it interesting that a family name would surface in Croatia

Posted by Dana Ciotta

answer In case you are related, it might interest you what is said about the mentioned "Ivan" Ciotta - Ivan being translated from the italian "Giovanni" :-

"Giving the citizens what they wanted Giovanni de Ciotta was indisputable as the head of Rijeka from 1872 to 1896 and he used that time to build roads, parks, modernize waterworks, sewage systems, in short to establish a real European centre. By its industrial capacity at the beginning of his mandate Rijeka equalled that of all Croatia, and the mayor was always able to find a way to be a good Hungarian, to speak Italian and to obey only Kaiser Franz Joseph."

Ivan Ciotta is of course buried in Rijeka, and i happen to have a photograph of the grave of "Giovanni de Ciotta, the most succesful mayor of Rijeka"

Tiny island of Olib

question I have been trying on line to find the town my grandfather was born in many years ago. It is called Olib. 2 persons on line said it was actually an island. I do not know what county, or part of croatia. Can you help me?

Posted by Audrey


Olib is a tiny island with a single settlement, called Olib too - and it's a very pretty place

Click here for large map


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